The Huskies finished #36 in the Nation and the #3 club team, respectively. This is a very good finish for us, considering our young roster and our injury situation coming into nationals. Arnav Aggarwal, our usual number 9 was unable to play and Captain Ben Rush was coming off injury and not playing at full form. That being said, Evan Anderson, playing #9 was able to get a win against Denison due to default and played well against the other teams, Hobart and NYU. Billy Wallace showcased all of his improvement over the course of the season only loosing to NYU and winning the rest of his matches against numerically better opponents.

The first match the huskies played against was Denison University, who only brought 8 guys. The huskies won 5-4 with Alex Swenson, Ben Rush, Vanel Joseph, Billy Wallace and Evan Anderson all winning their matches. Alex and Ben both won in 5 game thrillers, both playing very well.

The Second match was against Hobart, where the Huskies lost 8-1 and simply put got outclassed by the strong Hobart Team, who would go on to loose against Fordham in the E Division final. Both Ian Hay and Alex “Young Prince” Jafry had game balls against their opponents. William Wallace was able to secure a win due to his opponent getting injured during the match. Prayers up for Charlie Beall of Hobart.

In the 3/4 playoff the huskies faced NYU, a club team with a coach. The huskies lost 7-2 with Ian Hay and Alex “Young Prince” Jafry securing wins over their opponents. Alex choked on a 2-0 lead to loose in 5 while the rest of the team lost in 3-4 games.

With former captain Karan “KK” Kishorepuria coming back next season, the Huskies hope to win Division E.